NCC Proton Center Recognized by the National Association of Proton Therapy

The NCC Proton Center is an international associate member of the National Association of Proton Therapy (NAPT). NAPT promotes the clinical benefits of proton beam radiation therapy for cancer patients and their families for cancer treatment in the U.S. and abroad. Founded in 1990, NAPT is an independent, non-profit, public benefit corporation. It also serves as a resource center for cancer patients and their families, physicians and health care providers, academic medical centers, cancer centers, the U.S. and international Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other federal health care agencies, members of Congress and staff, and the nation's news media.

The NCC proton center and the NAPT are strong advocates for proton therapy and  delivery and effectiveness of a superior and far more advanced form of radiation treatment that results in less morbidity and minimum to no side effects.


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