Together with my doctors, we came to the conclusion that proton therapy was the only reasonable treatment since the tumour is located near my spinal cord. An unwanted dose of radiation could have paralysed me“. Benedek’s decision to go to Prague was clear. “Since there are no proton facilities in Belgium, and very few in Europe, I did not have many locations to choose from. Besides, through my wife I have really good connections in Prague, as well as due to my professional background – I know the city pretty well”.
The treatment process consisted of 20 days of radiation sessions and it all went very smoothly. The side effects were extremely minimal, according to Benedek: “Only my oesophagus was slightly irradiated causing mild discomfort when swallowing. Definitely nothing like the unpleasant side effects I have heard from patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy”.

Discussions with his health care provider in Belgium took a bit of effort. “Covering the cost of treatment abroad is clearly not an everyday case for them but in the end my public and private health insurance providers did cover the cost. I suppose that in the future the new European legislation concerning cross border treatments will make this process easier”, Benedek added.
“During my fight with cancer (Chondrosarcoma) this treatment is the first one to deliver results”.
Proton Therapy Center Czech  in Prague uses the very best tool to deliver proton therapy known as as ‘pencil beam scanning’ in all of its treatment rooms. Both the Czech team were extremely pleased to be able to assist a citizen from Belgium and wish Benedek all the best, as well as to those who may follow.


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